Saturday, June 20, 2009

Goods of the Day

!!!NEW SEGMENT!!! (crowd screams)

So these are the goods of the day complete with goods in dance, fashion, art, literature,etc. Enjoy!!

Good read. Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

Good art. Violent Woodland Symphony by Wolf Kahn

Good dance. Eric Underwood of the Royal Ballet

Good shoes. Givenchy Fall 2009

Good music. J*Davey


  1. Those Givenchy shoes are beyond and that painting is amazing. I'm from DC, too. Have you checked out the National Gallery of Art's Modern Art wing? They have original Warhols and Monets that are to die for.


  2. I was looking at that book that other day.

    How was it, besides being 'good'? Lol.

  3. It was delicious, if i was ever in public reading this book ppl would have thought i looked crazy cuz of all my reactions. fulfilling read.
