Thursday, June 25, 2009

Damn this Week!! The week of 6/22/09

There is waaay to much going on this week. I mean geez. Good and bad ofcourse, but here's a list of all of the happenings of this ever so eventful week.

The trains on the red line collide causing 6 deaths and a number of other injuries. It was funny, i typed in DC trainwreck in the image search engine and a pic of Brittney Spears popped with trainwreck in bold letters. hehe. the internet is funny. 6/23/09

Massacre in Terhan Square 6/24/09

The highly anticipated Nuclear Evolution album by Sa-Ra Creative Partners was was released. Favorite album right now. 6/24/09

Michael Jackson dies from heart attack.6/25/09

Heavy week I'd say. Hopefully tommorow and Saturday helps. WHOOOO!!! CARRIBEAN DAY PARADE!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man. My friend was 15 minutes from DC, and he called me. His mom was suppose to take the train that day, thank GOD she didn't.

    Also, Rest in Paradise to the king of pop, Michael Jackson.

    You will NEVER be forgotten.
